Review: Lego: Legends of Chima ‘The Warriors Within’


Wow, so Legends of Chima follows a number of different tribes comprised from a number of different animal species like  Eagles, Lions, Skunks, Beavers, Foxes, Bears, Gorillas, Rhinos, Wolves, Ravens, and Crocodiles. These animals would ordinarily be at peace but because of an element named Chi, these mofos are at the brink of war. Turns out this Chi is rather important as with it these tribes are able to power different vehicles…think of it as oil for military. Foreign concepts, right? Essentially, each tribe keeps a portion of the Chi in an attempt to keep everyone happy.

This week we meet Laval, a yuong lion prince that almost bears a Thor resemblance in that he is trying to prove to his father that he is a rightful heir to a throne and as such is usually brash with decisions. This week Laval comes up with the brilliant idea to take the Chi away from the Croc tribe more specifically from his old friend Cragger. Laval ends up taking the Chi and throwing it down a cavern so that the Crocs can’t have it. However, when he tries to apologize, the Crocs don’t want to hear about it and they promise revenge.

Laval has some backup in the form of the Eagles and the Gorillas as Eris of the Eagles usually saves Laval’s ass when he gets beat and Gorzan from the Gorillas is tasked with protecting a rare flower from the likes of the Ravens and Wolves.

Overall, I thought the premise of the series was lamer than that of Ninjago. Granted that LEGO series was very much a Power Rangers rip, this was incorrigible. Like, let’s take a bunch of animals, humanize them, then Lego-ize them. Next, let’s take a plot with political Middle-Eastern overtones and add in pretty awful voice-acting. This thing was probably budgeted at around $20-30 million and it looks like it with the animation, unfortunately none of those funds were used on the talent. I sure wouldn’t call this legendary…

6 out of 10