Shorts Review: @AFTherapy – “Jungle’s Glory Hole Adventure 1-5”




Over the past few decades the “buddy comedy” has evolved into this remarkably crazy demon, hell-bent on ruining the lives of the protagonists as well as physical property. Shit like The Hangover would have been WAY too over the top of audiences in 1965. But that’s progression for you. And I’m not here to talk about progression, violence or destruction. On the contrary, I’m here to talk about what happens when five buddies describe a comedic encounter with a goat and a glory hole. Is it just me or does that sound like a Grimm’s NSFW Fairy Tale?

The story begins with Jungle, who is now voiced by a different actor. He has stopped at a “less than reputable” latrine and while admiring all the hilarious shitter art, notices that this latrine is “full service.” So he follows the instructions and gets his dingus played with by what feels like “One or maybe even two of those chicks from the Victoria’s Secret catalogue.” Turns out it’s a goat.

Jungle’s new voice is pretty good, but you can tell it’s going to take a few episodes to fully master. I’m sure that once some of the smaller nuances are worked out this Jungle could be better than the last. The art in the show is the same as we have always seen, so much so that this is the last time you’ll hear me talk about it.

Score #1 – (8/10)

Episode #2 comes to us from Snow, who is also voiced by a new actor. His episode adds nothing new to the “Goat storyline” sans some quick jabs and a hilarious anecdote about Jungle fucking a hole for a table leg because it looked at him flirty. Pretty solid work for a video coming in at just north of one minute long. Snow’s voice change is a bit tough, as he kinda sounds like Charles Barkley with a mouth full of peanut butter. Maybe we rein him in a bit before we continue? I’d rather see quality voice acting over quantities of videos produced.

Score #2 – (7/10)

Episode #3 is brought to us by AFT Marine. Fortunately for us his voice hasn’t changed. Apparently this rouse was all his idea. He tricked Jungle into using that rickety old shitter to see if being fellated by a barnyard animal would piss him off. But the joke was on him, as Jungle enjoyed himself to the point that he preformed a handstand mid-coitus to “gain more leverage.”  Another solid, but way too quick, episode from the AFT Marine.

Score #3 – (8.5/10)

Having seen all, if not most, of the episodes of Action Figure Therapy I can’t for the life of me remember the star of this episode’s name. I’ll just call him Kony, that guy’s still relevant, right? His point of view on the subject matter is that Jungle is incredibly lucky to have had relations with the goat because that is a sign of good luck in his country, which is never named but extrapolating from his accent I’d say some where in Central America. His recanting of stories involving half human/half animal hybrids is pretty funny. I’d really like to see a few more episodes from this guy.

Score #4 – (8/10)

Last but most certainly not least we hear from The Ranger, and holy shit is he angry! Turns out that every time there’s a little bestiality, he’s the unfortunate SOB who has to fill out all the paperwork and smooth out all the issues with the sacred Hadjis of the local villages. So when he gets the shake down from these holy men, Ranger gets pissed off like we’ve never seen. I am seriously surprised that he didn’t summon Stanley the Honey Badger to help him with this rage infused black out. Some of the best vocal work and writing I have ever seen come out of the AFT camp is located right here within this video. Also contained within this video was, what could be, one of the most hilariously offensive lines in the history of the Internet. “I swear to autistic baby Jesus on roller blades….” Holy shit that’s awesome! If a joke can make me laugh, cringe, and punch air like I’ve just scored a goal you have more than completed your jobs.

 Score #5 – (9.5/10)

Time for some math! 8 + 7 +8.5 + 8 + 9.5 = 41. 41/5 = 8.2. Rounded for scoring…



(@chefrichBB) has never been to a glory hole. He also believes that bestiality is best left to the professionals in Tijuana.