Lil Wayne gets absolutely destroyed by AFT Ranger AND I am piling it on!



Usually when you see a video posted by me from Action Figure Therapy you’d expect some small banter about the StopMo and the humor then a score. I’m not here for any of that this time. We all know AFT is great at what they do, but they are also great at conveying the common sense and defending this great nation when we are wronged. That’s not to say that they’ve actually fought in any wars whatsoever, but when Lil Wayne traipsed upon this great nation’s flag, you best believe they were on the front lines looking for answers. For those of you who don’t know, here’s what I’m talking about.


Yup. That’s Lil Wayne. Dancing on the American flag. And from the architecture, I’d say he was in the city where both he and I spent a portion of our teenage lives: New Orleans, Louisiana.

Now, I may have been born in and currently live in New Jersey, but when anyone asks me where I’m from I proudly say New Orleans. You may think that the people from there are like the cast of Swamp People or The Waterboy and for the most part you’re not too far off. But they are a proud, prideful and patriotic people with boundless love for their fellow man. Take away all the shootings and crime and really focus on the normal citizens. Those normal citizens are incredibly proud of anyone who leaves town and makes it big. So to see this scumbag Lil Wayne desecrating the American flag on the streets of New Orleans is reprehensible. He later tweeted that “The flag fell and got under his feet while he was dancing.” I’m sorry; did you just make this THE FLAG’S FAULT? If I ever felt something under my feet that wasn’t the floor while I was dancing do you know what I’d do? STOP FUCKING DANCING! It’s common sense dude.

I guess the point I’m really trying to make here is that I’m extremely proud of AFT for tackling a subject such as this. I have many friends and family in all branches of the Armed Forces. They all took an oath to fight and die for the freedoms we all take for granted. Hell, I get to write about cartoons on the Internet because those brave souls put on their uniforms every day. AFT, your support of America and it’s troops makes me proud to be a fan and proud to be an American.

As for you Lil Wayne…Stop. You’ve ruined Hip-Hop. You are terrible at skateboarding. Your fashion sense and clothing lines are terrible. Your smile is atrocious. You literally look like the stuff nightmares are made of. I’m pretty sure that if this were the 1600s, we would have already burned you as a witch upon your looks alone. Please stop making New Orleans, America and the rest of humanity look bad. I’m proud to say that I’m from NOLA, but not when I’m associated with ignorant, pompous, untalented wannabes such as you. If you could please disappear off the face of the Earth, I would be forever grateful.


Sincerely Yours,

