@RickyGervais tells ”the Sun” why ”The Ricky Gervais Show” went bye bye

He actually offers up a LONG reason why. Snippets after the jump!


The Ricky Gervais Show lasted three seasons and 39 episodes on HBO which you would think sounds like a long running series but really in the world of animated television its rather short.  There were plans for a season 4, but according to a new interview Ricky Gervais did with The Sun he decided against it because he felt that the animated series used all of the best podcast bits already and he didn’t want the show’s value to lessen with not as quality bits:

 we’d used up all the best bits and I think created a lovely document of internet ramblings

You gotta hand it to Ricky. Most people would just put out product and cash the checks, but then again he isn’t American so that has a lot to do with it, too. The Ricky Gervais Show was quality entertainment and it had a nice run on HBO. Evidently, Ricky even was getting ready to record new audio for future podcasts which would have led to future animated stuff but he said times are different now from whence he was hosting the podcast:

I was thinking of recording brand new audio at one time but then I realised that it wouldn’t be the same.

Karl has certainly changed. He’s wiser, believe it or not, so it’s nice that the show survives in a time capsule as a document of when he was a moronic little shaven Manc chimp.

So there it is. The Ricky Gervais Show is now out with a Season 3 DVD release, but we didn’t like it all that much mainly due to the fact that it was pricey for what you are getting. Alas, I’m sure they have reruns somewhere.

Have a favorite Ricky Gervais Show bit?? Tell us in the comments below!