Month: May 2013

EXCLUSIVE Interview: Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick the guys behind The Venture Bros.

Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer are just aces these days as they wait for the start of the long-awaited fifth season of The Venture Bros., “I am physically tired. I got up at six this morning for no good reason. So I am actually exhausted right now. It sounds like somebody took a shit in my ear. ” says Doc with an empathetic Jackson adding ‘I got a weird head fluid thing going on. Every time I move my head I swear like liquid moves inside. And when I like crunch my teeth together quickly, like I go clamp, clamp, clamp, it sounds like – you know when you got like a full milkshake and you take on the bottom of the glass and there’s that like full liquid reverberation kind of thing?’ Doc wonders, “Did you take a shower today and wash your ear out extra well?” ‘No. No, and this has been doing this for about two weeks!’ answers Jackson. “I probably have an inner ear problem.” Yep, these guys are ready! After the jump we talk up the new season of The Venture Bros. with Doc and Jackson that is set to start June 2nd, at Midnight, plus what’s in store for the future.

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