Mid-Season Shorts Review: @dogsnackRB on @RugBurnChannel




America loves any story that involves a boy and his dog. It’s a proven fact, just look back at some of the most popular TV shows and movies of all time. Lassie. Turner and Hooch. Hell, I’m pretty sure Heffer was part owner of Rocko in some weird, cartoonish way. But at the heart of it all, each of those shows centers around the childlike wonder of a boy and his adventures with his canine companion. So when RugBurn gave us Dog Snack earlier this year, I was hopeful that the show would be able to live up to the standard set by man and beast throughout the course of literature, television, and all of history. Then the show started and it involved a dog eating farts. Well played, internet. Well played.


I must admit that the artwork for this show is a bit polarizing. There are times where the art is a bit too simplistic and shaky, even for such a simple premise as a dog flies on screen from stage left and eating a fart out of mid-air. But then there are moments when the art really flies off the screen. For example, in episode two, there is a sketch where the characters switch to an anime style. Not only is this change seamless, but impressively detailed and a drastic switch from the normal pace of the show. Think going from Super Milk Chan to Afro Samurai in the blink of an eye.


With no real voice acting to speak of in this show sans a few barks and groans, the show is carried by it’s sound effects. One would think that since we first reviewed the show for Webs Day  that the number of ways a dog could attack a fart would have dwindled. But Lynn Wang and Ed Skudder don’t seem like they’ll be running short on ideas any time soon. I mean, when you’ve already parodied Duck Hunt, the sky’s the limit right?


So here’s to many more successful episodes of this incredulously well crafted show. I look forward to laughing along the entire time. I guess the only thing I could really ask for is the possibility of adding voices or possibly adding a bit of a back story. Again, that’s probably just me being a ball buster. A ball buster with a pension for flatulence and a puppy fetish.

Mid Season Score – (9/10)

Follow me on Twitter (chefrichBB) or I’ll fart in your mouth. And if this review has taught you anything, that stuffs comedic gold and the whole internet will laugh at you!