IT’S WEBS DAY!!! With @CollegeHumor and @RicePirateMick





Kicking off today’s edition of Webs Day is a video with extremely underlying political implications shrouded under a veil of hilarious animation. No, I’m not reviewing Family Guy. Kim Jung Un (Avid basketball enthusiast/ failed G.I. Joe villain) has teamed up with Dennis Rodman to take on Yao Ming and some aliens, Space Jam style. The premise is propaganda at it’s absolute finest, showing what happens in actual videos released by the North Korean wunderkind. But let’s pull away from real life for a second and sink into the offering that College Humor has brought to the altar this week, starting with the art. As usual, the art is incredible. The semi subtle nod to the DragonBall Z style of animation is only made more hilarious by the emotionless face of Un as he kills his clone (apparently he can shape shift AND split into four different people. Helluva guy, that Un!), destroys Ming, and saves the day. The sounds reflect back to the Bruce Lee era of kung fu movies, which I found hysterical and perfectly placed for this video. The voice acting is really fun and spot on for the characters. I’d have to say that my favorite part of the video is the part Un animated himself. For some strange reason, while I watch that, all I could think about was Inebriated the Koala. And when something makes me think about The Damn Show, it’s an instant win in my book.



Vampires have become such a diluted subject in the horror world ever since the abomination known as Twilight hit the shelves and screens of every tween girl looking to flick her bean to someone pale and sparkly. Spoiler alert girls, dudes used to do that in the 80’s to pictures of Elton John. Do you really wanna be lumped into the same category? Anyway, this little ditty from RicePirate calls back to a better time for vampires, and that time was Castlevania. I can remember playing these games for hours on my original Game Boy. Yes, I’m that old and go fuck yourself. The graphics in this video are stunning. Couple that with the fact that RicePirate voices both characters, edits, and animates the whole damn thing himself. When the hell does he sleep? Or maybe he’s a vampire! Let’s hope he doesn’t sparkle.


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I’m off to go run until my nipples bleed. Fitness. Ain’t that about a bitch!!!

