Comics Review: Phineas and Ferb the Magazine #17


Spoilers Below

Evil Spin-Offs

Dr. Doof looks to cash in by showing off ideas for a bunch of Phineas and Ferb spin-offs inspired by the mayor, the Fireside Girls, Buford, Baljeet, hell even Agent P has one. That said, there’s at least one exec out there not passing any of these!

7 out of 10

Rain, Rain Go Away

Phineas finds a way to get Isabella home without her getting wet in the pouring rain. Its the tunnel of love, baby!

8.5 out of 10

Attack of the Killer Pizza

Doof makes a new inator that causes his personality to swap with that of a pizza’s so that the lovable dinner will be considered evil and Doof won’t look like such a bad guy. What he actually does is he zaps the pizza and it comes to life, so he has to let Phineas free so that he can eat them all in an attempt to stop them. *Burp!

9 out of 10

Dance, Dance, Dance

Isabella is looking to get a patch for hosting a recital with the added bonus of getting to dance with Phineas in his backyard. Unfortunately, Doof’s machine goes off that causes people to get extra tired and that’s exactly what happens to Phineas right before the big dance. Thankfully, Ferb offers to step in as the new dance partner. However, on the day of the recital both Ferb and Isabella all get zapped and end up being very, very tired for the crowd due to the fact that Perry is kicking the crap out of Doof while its going on. A masked Buford steps in dressed in a tutu, grabs Baljeet, and then they end up putting on a show that NO ONE can know about! Meanwhile, Perry defeats Doof and everyone seems to get back to normal.

8 out of 10

This month’s issue of Phineas and Ferb the Magazine comes with only four comics which is down from previous months. Granted all are pretty well done with special nod to the ‘Killer Pizza’ story, but I can’t really recommend this issue as a buy @ $5 with only four comics, that’s sort of a rip.