SNL Full Archives on Yahoo to include TV Funhouse sketches

Ohhhh mann….this is a great way to end the week.


Yahoo recently announced that starting in September that they will be hosting the ENTIRE catalog of old SNL shit including clips of all of the sketches that have helped make the show last for something like 30 years. The late-night sketch series has launched the careers of Bill Murray, Will Ferrell, and others, but what I’m most excited about is that we will have a shit ton of TV Funhouse  sketches to mull over which is great because both were awesome in their day.  Who can forget such classic shorts like the ‘X-Presidents’ that featured Ford, Reagan, H.W. Bush, and Carter as crime fighters or my personal favorite the Ambiguously Gay Duo that helped launch the careers of  both Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell?

In a press release Yahoo CEO had this to say about the deal:

“We are thrilled to give Yahoo! users the most comprehensive collection of SNL content available on the web, and make Yahoo! a home for current season clips, as well as clips from the entire 38-season archive,” Yahoo! president and CEO Marissa Mayer said in a statement.

Yep, that starts this September and we can not friggin’ wait! Which SNL sketches do YOU want to see?