
Short Review: 30 Second Bunnies – The Last Exorcism

By chefRich

April 11, 2013



Are bunnies Catholic? Hollywood has already established that all dogs go to Heaven, but what about bunnies? The rabbit was a vicious, blood-thirsty assailant in Monty Python, but are they all evil?

Oddly enough, some of those questions were actually answered in the parody animation of The Last Exorcism. Moral of the story is these guys and gals made a sped up animated parody of the movie, but replaced all living characters with bunnies. The artwork was actually pretty nice. A bit basic, but for a 30 second video do you really want to waste time with stunning detail work? Not really. The voices, in my opinion, need a ton of work. They are oddly similar to the voices you’d here in early Joe Cartoon videos. But that was the early 2000’s. Technology is such that even if you’re looking for rustic yet cute you can still make it sound clean and not terribly distorted. Mind you, I’ve been a fan of 30SB for a while, and the voices have come a loooooooong way since The Exorcist and Rocky but they still could use some work. Couple this with the fact that The Last Exorcism is a shitty movie and you’ve got all the makings for a very “middle of the road” cartoon.

Please allow me to “Kick It Old School” on this one.

7 out of 10