Review: Supanatural ‘Pilot’

For the thousands of readers that were pissed when we exclusively reported that Ugly Americans was canceled,  Amazon may have a solution for you.




Some Spoilers Below

So, lets set the foundation here for what Amazon is trying to do as I think these pilots are officially differentiating themselves versus say a Youtube. For one, you can tell Amazon is investing a decent amount of money into their properties as opposed to Youtube whom seems to pick their spots in hopes that creativity and humor shine through no matter what the cost. That said, it seems as though we are talking about two completely beasts here, as Amazon probably looks to go more towards the Netflix and Hulu route of investing in longer form projects like Supanatural which clocks in at the same amount of time that a FOX or Comedy Central animated series would in about the 22 min range whereas Youtube animated videos, and yes there are exceptions, clock in at about five minutes or less. What will be interesting to see as this internet landscape gets bigger is to which side viewers will point towards?

Thankfully for you, you have Bubbleblabber and we are here to tell you one thing…no matter how long the show is,  put Supanatural on your must-see list. For anyone that might have been pissed off when Ugly Americans was canceled (and there were QUITE a few of you), alas I think you have your fix for animated spookiness geared towards an older audience. The show stars Jameeliah Garrett as Lucretia and Lily Sparks as Hezbah, two broke girls (see what I did there?) whom work in retail at their local mall. Like everyone that has to work at a mall full time, the girls have to worry about paying rent on time, what’s for dinner, and most importantly fighting back supernatural bad guys (you Hot Topic employees I’m sure get that last part all the time).

The cast, is stellar. Jameeliah and Lily NAIL their roles with Jameeliah playing more of the buddy role as Lucretia opposite Lily playing the hero as Hezbah. The two make tomb raiding and the handling of monsters rather seamless, but they are definitely down to Earth funny as hell in their dialogue delivery as they are constantly tweeting and posting pics of their epic battles and harrowing adventures all the while bickering over Christ knows what. Kristen Schaal plays double duty as she voices both the mall Sheriff and a crazy big lady named Delinda both of whom Kristen voices a bit differently as compared to her previous works on Bobs Burgers, Gravity Falls, and Archer where yes she’s very good in those roles, but very seldom does she distinguish the three voices. This time around Kristen kicks it up a notch and shows that her voice acting chops aren’t as limited at first glance. The real winner in this episode is Drew Droege as the Crystal Skull (yes the Crystal Skull) of whom is constantly hurling insults at anything that moves and had my sides nearly splitting due to laughter.

Titmouse is the studio behind the show and Chris Prynoski breaks out the heavy weights for the staff having  Metalocalypse guys like Mike Roush, Mark Brooks, and Antonio Canobbio onboard as directors  and Superjail’s Christy Karacas as the story boardist with the latter telling me why the fights are already put together so well.

Overall, the show definitely needs some some polish in some of the animation and a couple of the voice actors on the show having me scratching my head in terms of why they were chosen, but overall the show is really well-written, the dialogue is strong, and most importantly the show is hysterical. Seriously, I don’t know if there is a funnier animated show online right now as Supanatural gives us one part sci-fi, one part workplace comedy, and all parts hysteria in what I think is a clear winner for Amazon.

9.5 out of 10