Review: Regular Show ‘K.I.L.I.T.’

Spoilers Below

Muscle Man wants to get a song he wrote on the air so that can Starla can hear how much he loves his lady. Mordecai and Rigby opt to take him to the radio station to try and get it on the air, but the station is tight like a whale’s ass, water tight! Thankfully, Donny G., aka a DJ for the station shows up and he tells Muscles that he’ll play it on the air and do him a favor. Unfortunately, Muscle Man catches the DJ throwing out the tape, but its not what Muscle Man thinks. Turns out the station used to be like every radio station where they’d the best rock songs on the planet. That all changed when the execs showed up and programmed the station so that all of the gear would play itself (think Skynet).  With that, K.I.L.I.T. radio was born and the DJ just sticks around to clean the equipment from time to time. The park rangers decide to help the DJ get his job back.

First thing’s first, Donny the DJ breaks the guys into the station, but almost immediately it attacks and Donny goes down swinging by getting Muscle Man’s tape on the air and he puts up a shout out to Starla. and the rest is history! The radio station goes down, but rock and roll lives, and Muscle and Starla live happily ever after. And yea, now we have a new friend…DJ!

I am at a loss or words when it comes to this show. So far in its fourth season, the guys show that the first 100 episodes was no fluke, and that the next 100 might be even better. I honestly thought we were getting more strands of Airheads this week versus anything else, but instead we get almost a take on Terminator where the machines take over, and all looks like its going to be destroyed, but alas our hero is fine and Muscles gets the girl. I’m not sure which was funnier, the flash back of how the DJ came to be a janitor, or when K.I.L.I.T. goes haywire and starts attacking before it is ultimately unplugged (the whole sequence I felt was a tad short). I find it ironic that this episode and the character are both named ‘K.I.L.I.T.’ because that’s all that Regular Show has been doing this season. The slow-mo explosion escape to Muscle Man’s song was pretty epic. The stance against modern society throughout the series is the real story arc here.