@MachinimaSports puts out video about @nyjets fan, subsequently establishing all Jets fans are scummy!




As most of you know, Bubbleblabber is a New Jersey based company. Being from New Jersey we’ve had the ability to experience all different types of professional teams and their fans. Unfortunately, some of the worst fans in the world live in our own backyard…and they wear green.

Before I go off on a tangent, lets review the video itself. The art is reminiscent of Cyanide and Happiness in black and white, only drawn a bit more childlike. The story itself is pretty funny, but we’ll get into that in the next paragraph. The voice reminds me a bit of the main voice from Game Stain, which is mildly redeeming because I actually like that show.

Now let’s get to the story. It’s about a Jets fan in Denver for a game who attends a party that gets a little out of hand…ok a lot out of hand. I mean, I guess that’s a personal preference. Do you consider pissing in a former strippers mouth in a church parking lot out of hand? If you don’t, you’re golden like a shower. But if you do, you’ll be able to understand where I’m coming from. Stories like this from Jets fans are all too common. Outlandish, vile, repulsive and juvenile. It’s fans like this that make it impossible for normal people to go to games. I’ve spent a king’s ransom for decent seats, an equal amount for parking and $11 for a hot dog only to have some second rate citizen pour his beer all over my girlfriend and then try to fight me when I call him out?

Everyone says Roger Goodell and steroids are what’s wrong with the NFL. I disagree. It’s the New York Jets and their fans.

Now that my rant is over, go check out Machinima Sports, their videos are amazing and a breath of fresh air in the sports industry!