‘Downton Abbey’ star to guest on Family Guy (@familyguyonFOX) probably for the rumored spoof

By John Schwarz

April 30, 2013

Yea, I still know nothing about this show…


So we told you guys a few weeks back that Downton Abbey star ,Brendan Coyle, dropped by the Family Guy HQ where he voiced a guest spot and he noted that the animated series will be referencing  the popular PBS show in a couple of episodes. Well, now the plot thickens because another Downton Abbey star is set to guest on a new episode of Family Guy and this time its Entertainment Weekly reporting that Michelle Dockery is set to guest star as well playing ‘an aristocrat in a British period drama. ‘

Evidently, the cameo is brief as part of a cutaway gag, but I wonder if the two Downton Abbey stars will appear in the same episodes or is Seth and Co. just so obsessed with the PBS drama that they want to hire everyone and put them in different spots. Again, I have never seen Downton Abbey so I’m sure whatever references they point towards the show are going to SOAR over my head.

Family Guy still has a bunch more episodes for THIS season including a new one set to air this Sunday Night @ 9pm EST on FOX. Check your local listings! Also in the meantime, check out this side boob.