Review: The Cleveland Show ‘The Hangover Part Tubbs’


Spoilers Below

Cleveland constantly embarrasses Donna and even more so when she decides to run for the school board. As a result, she opts to start leaving her husband behind whenever she decides to run functions to raise money and instead uses a stand-in.  Cleveland flips out of course, but eventually he is able to talk Donna into a couple drinks at the bar like the old times. Unfortunately, those couple of drinks has Cleveland, his friends, and Donna waking up at the Richmond Speedway right in the middle of the race and Donna can’t be there because her debate is going down in about an hour. Thankfully, Dale Earnhardt and Tony Stewart agree to race both Cleveland and Donna back to the school just in time for Donna to tell the crowd that her REAL husband Cleveland is the best. And the result?? (not tellin’)

Meanwhile, Junior’s gym grade is depressing mainly because he never attends. As a result, he opts to join the diving team and evidently despite his wild imagination and portly stature, he is a diving God! However, Junior is a bit concerned by the skimpiness of the bikini the other divers have to wear so he drops out of school and gets a job as a landscape artist, but guess what? THOSE guys wear bikinis, too! This causes Junior to return to school, perform at a diving competition, and get his coach arrested.

I thought the NASCAR cameos were advertised a BIT too much compared to what we got,  and I’m not sure they were enough to blind me of the fact that I was watching a rather typical Cleveland/Donna plot where Cleveland does something wrong, and Donna forgives him in the end. However, Dale, Tony, and Kasey were funny but you could tell despite the fact that they probably do 10,000 commercials a year that everyone not named Dale sounded like they were reading the script rather than acting it. I did love the Cleveland stand-in as I thought he was sarcastic as hell and brought a breath of fresh air. Junior’s plot was pretty entertaining if not a little short as I thought this joke could have had more legs. Wait, no I don’t want to see Juniors legs! Just plot legs! I SWEAR!!

(7.5 out of 10)