Spoilers Below

Working a minimum wage entry level job sucks the maximum amount of balls that a job can suck (according to the current 2013 ball-sucking standards). If you are currently making minimum wage, my heart goes out to you. Most people who find themselves in such a predicament usually have no other option, so they have to try and make the best of it. One can only hope that their fellow low paid McInmates are tolerable and that their boss isn’t the biggest douche known to medical science. I think your chances are 50/50 to be honest, so don’t hold your breath– and Chad would agree. Come take a walk with me, and I’ll tell you why (Disclaimer: there is no actual walking involved in this review).

In Frosty King, Chad finds himself cast into the work world at the tender age of 15 (not actually tender) after accidentally destroying his snooty neighbor’s fence. Much like myself (a clerk CVS in my case, whereas Chad was slangin’ cream cones), when Chad first started his foray into the working world he was actually pretty excited about it. I mean there is actually a lot to be excited about in theory: earning money, chatting up female co-workers, gaining a sense that you are ‘earning your own way’, and the possibility of actually doing a great job (really what you want is the praise that comes with it). But, most learn fast enough (sadly), that your average job is in fact both unexciting and unmemorable (call me jaded but you know it’s true). As soon as Chris learns that Chad is planning to grab a job at the Frosty King (picture a Carvel or TCBY) he immediately tries to talk him out of it, warning him of the monotony and one-size-fits-all labor that is really in store for him. Chris my friend, you have never been more right. In an unexpected turn of events for your host here (me) I actually found myself on Chris’s side during this entire episode right from the get-go (who would have thunk-it as I really don’t like Chris most of the time – also because I recognize the voice actor behind him I REALLY want him to yell “LEMONGRAAAB!!!” at any given point [spoiler: ain’t gonna happen]).

While Chad slaves away scooping snacks under the watchful eye of his approximately 17 year old blonde and preppy boy-warden, Chris manages to [eventually] conjure up a scheme to raise the fence-funds needed to bail his buddy out. By staging Grump-vs-[insert suburban beast here] bouts at a nearby park, Chris proves that with a little creativity and self-motivation you can manage to earn your way in this life by your own rules rather than punching someone else’s clock (#LifeLesson). Amen.

This is another episode that ends (I will let you find out exactly how on your own) by everyone getting their just desserts (OMG PUNS BRO LOLOLOL). And I guess this just goes to show me that I really shouldn’t worry too much about Chad or Chris during the beginning of an episode because approximately 15 minutes later they will once more be happy and adversity shall be overcome (not a good thing). I really have learned to like this show but it continues to pain me to see it end on a high note every single [damn] time. That being said, it certainly has a way of painting characters that I can really appreciate. Out There has a real knack for portraying “oh my god I know somebody like that” personalities with those subtle nuances that make them memorable to begin with (for all the wrong reasons).

Out There; show me some true-to-life let downs that stick – and you will earn the upper echelons of reviewdom that you have the potential for bro.