Review: Family Guy “Turban Cowboy”


Spoilers Below

Peter and the guys decide to do up some sky diving and everyone seems to have a great time. As a matter of fact, Peter has such a great time he does it like a 100 more until one day he gets his ass impaled in Vegas. Don’t worry as he is OK, but he meets a Muslim at the hospital named Mahmood.  Unfortunately, everyone cept Brian seems to have an issue with Peter having a Muslim friend. To make matters worse, Peter decides to convert to Islam, and Mahmood decides to help him learn the ins and outs. Eventually, Peter gets so good that the Muslims decide to recruit him as a new terrorist to blow up a bridge. After Joe and Quagmire tell Peter whats up, they decide to use him as a way to infiltrate the group so as to stop them, but he gets caught. This causes Mahmood and the gang to capture Peter. Thankfully, Joe catches up with everyone and saves Peter’s ass, but not before he blows up the bridge.


Horse Whisperer, Jeopardy, New Guy, Marathon Winner, Critical Party Goers, Muslim Looney Tunes, Black Guy, Soccer, Racquet Ball, Lois leaving with the kids, Chameleons

I think 9/11 and overall Muslim nervousness is just so old fashioned that while watching Family Guy I felt as I heard a lot of these plot points and jokes before. Before we get to Peter as a terrorist, I wanted to point out what keeps Family Guy enjoyable after all these seasons. Similar to last week when Peter had the falcon, the writers seem to love the opening gag of giving Peter a something (which in this case is a parachute) and having just go at it. Like, I can only imagine everyone bringing a bunch of ways Peter could use the parachute to the writer’s table and that they came up with several of the best ones. This is a typical deal for Family Guy, they give us awesome setups to a plot that either falters or if it goes.  This one goes, but not without its faults. As mentioned, I do think the overall theme of the plot is a bit dated and who knows maybe this one was written a while ago and just produced in the last year! The cutaways were pretty great tonight, from Muslim Looney Tunes to Jeopardy, I couldn’t help but give a lot of “Ooooooo’s on more than one occasion. And that last part is important folks, that last one is why Family Guy is still on.

(8 out of 10)