Review: Crash and Bernstein ‘Crash vs Flex’


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Wyatt’s getting rid of a lot of old stuff when he comes across one of his old toys a Stretch Armstrong type deal named Flex. Turns out, Wyatt used to hang out with Flex all the time and of course this gets Crash all jealous having never heard of him. Wyatt isn’t the only one clearing out, the whole Bernstein is gearing up for a sale so that they can cash in. Crash can’t wait til Flex is gone because he takes attention away from him. Push becomes shove when Crash finds Flex making out with the love of his life. He tries destroy the toy, but no matter what he can’t seem to get rid of Flex due to his durability.

Wyatt seems to be really enjoying his time with his old friend Flex, so Crash gets jealous and decides to hang out with the girls, none of whom really want him. That said, Wyatt is CLEARLY messing with Crash and this continues when the rummage starts. While there, Crash and Bernstein run into a dude that has EVERY BIT of Flex merch except the toy itself. Crash uses this as an opportunity to sell Flex for a $50 and a meat coat behind Wyatt’s back. Everything seems to be going back to normal with Crash as he runs off as a piece of cotton candy with his pal Wyatt, but it isn’t long before Wyatt becomes suspicious and suspects that Crash knows more than he is letting on. When he finds out, Wyatt is PISSED and no matter what Crash can’t seem to cheer him up.  Eventually, Crash helps Wyatt track down the guy that bought Flex, but Wyatt decides to let him keep the toy after feeling bad about his living situation.

I’ll be honest,  the future of Crash and Bernstein looks bleak especially when you look at the ratings. Also, if you check out the personal Twitter feeds for the show, a lot of them are in that ‘wait and see’ mode rather than exuding any sort of confidence. That said, this week was a rather entertaining week but we are starting to see a tad bit of rehash coming from the writer’s table. That said, we know that the cast has been shooting summer promos, so maybe after these next couple episodes followed by a Spring break, we can see some freshness.

(7.5 out of 10)