Review: Bob’s Burgers ‘O.T. the Outside Toilet ‘


Spoilers Below

Gene discovers a talking toilet in the woods, but it looks as though it belongs to someone else and this guy is PISSED. Eventually, Gene shows Louise and Tina the toilet and they LOVE it.  Eventually, the toilet runs low on power and the kids have to find a power source for it.  However, the crazy guy aka Max Flush, shows up to the restaurant and leaves with no info, but he starts staking out the front of the restaurant. This means the kids need to come up with a plan to get that toilet out of there ASAP. With the help of the Pestos,, the kids are able to get the former toilet owner on a ferry that sends him to the other side.  The guy comes back, but all the kids are off to the races with the toilet, only for Eugene to wipe out while trying to jump a canyon.

Meanwhile, Bob goes to court to fight a ticket wearing a suit, this causes everyone to start treating him different.  Like any dude in a suit, Bob starts feeling special and decides to take Linda to dinner. Once there, Bob starts getting treated like a rock star while Linda gets treated like a schlub. That said, the smitten couple seemed to have forgotten to eat anything but eventually run into the kids of whom are dealing with the toilet. Turns out, Max had stolen the toilet and the cops show up to arrest him. But, just as it looks like Gene was never going to see the toilet again, he goes to the ferry pier and wishes it good bye as it sails away.  Oh yea, and Bob stole his suit.

I think there is a fine line between parody and inspiration and this week’s Bobs was kind of evident of that as it danced between the two with Gene’s plot. At times the parody of E.T. are kind of right there to smack you in the face like jumping over a gourge or sending the toilet away on a ship. Other times, its not as evident like the overall story of a connection a boy makes with an abnormal thing only to have to part with it later. The problem here is that with E.T. you get 90 minutes of a film to pull on your heart strings where as with Bob’s you start with 22 minutes, but after you throw in Bob’s suit deal you get less. As a result, I felt no sort of remorse when seeing the toilet leave, and Max Flush just kind of was an absolute at best. To be honest, a bit more toilet humor would have done this one justice.

(6.5 out of 10)