Review: Bob’s Burgers ‘Two For Tina’


Spoilers Below

Tina’s school has a dance coming up and while she did get a belated yes from Jimmy Jr., she decides to go with Josh to his dance. This causes Jimmy to get jealous and he sends his cronies to try and break it up.  Later, Jimmy recruits Tina’s own siblings to help win her over of which Tina thinks is sweet because she’s never had two guys after her heart before. And you know what? You gotta give a guy dis for trying because Jimmy pulls out all the stops to try and win over Tina, but is unsuccessful. This causes Jimmy to show up to the dance and challenge Josh to a dance-off! However, Tina’s ego gets the best of her when she tries to convince the two into a triangle relationship in which both boys share her with none of the trouble. Both decline, leaving Tina the loser.

Meanwhile, Bob isn’t crazy about the fact that Linda has signed him up to go to Tina’s dance to chaperone 30 years after he got his heart broken. Despite his misgivings about the whole thing, Linda takes Bob to the dance and after taste of middle school drama, the Belcher couple have a good time but only after getting completely shit-faced.

Ben Schwartz I thought was going to be used a lot tonight, but instead we got more Jimmy Pesto than Josh which was a bit of a disappointment. That said, it was good to see Tina be the center of attention and she does a terribly wonderful job of accepting it. But, is TOO much Tina a bad thing??  We’ve had by far more Tina plots this season than any other character and her charm and uniqueness I think is starting to get a little stale for me. Don’t get me wrong she’s a great character, but I do think Tina should be used in smaller doses if for no other reason that we have a bunch of wonderful characters at our disposal. The Bob/ Linda plot was a throw away, and this week was an OK time, but a little more spice would’ve made this one nice.

(7.0 out of 10)