Review: Archer ‘ Un Chien Tangerine ‘


Spoilers Below

Archer and Lana are in Morocco on a mission to extract an agent named Kazak. That agent,  is actually a St. Bernard big ol ugly dog that isn’t crazy about guns but LOVES mints. After being loaded up in their really small car, the fart-smashing dog provides for insatiable company as the ISIS duo are looking to make their escape on a kick ass watercraft. Unfortunately, Archer has to make a U-turn because the sea port is swarming with gun-toting Moroccans, so they turn around and end up in a desert where Lana then quits on the spot. At first Archer looks to just take off without Lana, but the dog convinces him to turn around and pick her up and maybe apologize for giving her a hard time but the gun-toting Moroccans get to Lana first

Meanwhile, Pam wants to be a field agent, but despite her acing the exam and having pro-wrestler like skills, Malory doesn’t think she’s up to the task of wearing the ISIS badge. Eventually, Malory gets called up by Sterling and after your standard Archer bickering, he convinces his mother to reroute the choppers. That said, Archer’s gotta save his partner and after some car-hopping, and AK-47 handy work he achieves just that and as a result everything is chill again.

This week’s Archer was just short of incredible. The animation house continues to show its strengths with exciting car chase scenes that look right out of Bourne Supremacy, and a dog that looked and felt so life-like I wouldn’t be surprised if they had to neuter the son of a bitch after the episode. No joke, Kazak looked, acted, and farted as close to a real dog as anyone has ever done, probably surpassing anything Pixar has done in my recollection. Sterling had so many great scenes tonight too, like wanting to turn his car around to hurl insults, waking up naked in what looked to be a very hot bed, and his almost racist comments near the end. Speaking of naked, this I think is officially the fifth or so time we are getting Archer’s ass…not that anyone’s counting.

The one turn off again was the ISIS sub-plot that just seemed to show up for really no merit. I mean, if Pam doesn’t become a field agent now, then why the hell even bother interrupting the original plot? I would’ve taken more action and Kazak any day of the week!Here’s hoping Kazak is in 10 more episodes…

(9.5 out of 10)