Review: Archer ‘The Papal Chase’



Spoilers Below

Malory sends off Archer, Lana, and Pam to the Vatican on a mission to protect the pope. Much to Cyril’s dismay, Archer goes dressed as a priest while Pam goes as a nun. They eventually make their way to the Pope’s bedroom so that they can switch out a strung out Woodhouse with the religious leader so as to thwart the assassination attempt from the Swiss Guard. However, Pam gets stuck with a few of Woodhouse’s used needles, so ISIS decides to just evac the pope and take off. Ordinarily there would be some sort of a fight, but Sterling forget their weaponry back at the hotel. A car chase ensues when the Swiss show up and its we learn there’s a Cardinal out to kill the pope so that he may be the new pope. Then there was some sort of a think where the wanna be pope wanted ISIS to screw up, yadda, yadda. Either way Pam wasn’t supposed to tell Malory but she did.

I kind have mixed feelings about this week for a few reasons. On one hand, the car chase was as good as ever this week and having Archer surf the car all over Italy was an animated sight to see. I also loved the timing of this week’s episode seeing how the Cats just nominated a new old guy from Argentina. Oh yea, and Pam is a GREAT edition to the field team, as she provides a certain spunk that I don’t think Cyril had when he usually goes on the missions. It was also great to see the return of Ron Cadillac and should hope that he gets used a bit more before the season is over.  Oh yea, and Woodhouse as an addict works, works, works. Yea, I said it! Archer needs more drugs!

On the other hand, I thought the dialogue got a little wordy near the end and because we didn’t get to really see the Cardinal, I kind of didn’t care about who he was to want to kill the pope. Also, I wasn’t sure of the point of the quick check ins with ISIS HQ as Cyril really didn’t add anything useful to this week’s plot. I also HATE when Archer does episode with foreign characters with no subtitles. Would it be THAT hard to put them in?? I took four years of Latin and I had NO idea what anyone was talking about, and trying to figure out the Italian dudes was difficult to do as well.

That said, Archer’s chase was pretty legit, and this episode provided good laughs, in a number of different languages!

7.5 out of 10