DVD Review: Cleveland Show Season 3

This thing has been available for pre-order for over a year and now its out and for a price of $24 dollars its not the worst deal ever. I mean, Amazon is the only place you can get it. Typical Amazon episodes cost around $2 a piece so take that number and times it by the number of episodes in this case 24 so you could piece it out for $50 or get every episode on this collection for half that. Unfortunately, it gets shipped to you as a DVD-R which basically tells me this show has ‘canceled’ written all over it because that is what happens when they get the axe…the distro companies stop caring!

So, with no real extra features, I felt it was only fair to grade this release based from all the reviews we did for The Cleveland Show last season less what is actually on this release. And for that we give the release:


(5 out of 10)