Comics Review: Bravest Warriors #6


Spoilers Below

After meeting their not so evil twins, a new rule is instituted banning them from making out with each other. This causes Dan to use a mop to I guess try and wipe away the clones, but it doesn’t work. Instead he ends up stranded on some planet with bananas looking for assistance in curing their planets’ sexism. Eventually, a brain gets taken and ends up in a death machine of some sort, but we will have to wait until next time for the finish.

Catbug is Missing!

Catbug is missing and of course everyone assumes the worse. But hey, a lucky hand is a lucky hand, no matter HOW cute.


I got completely lost on the initial plot, as it was all over the place. Catbug’s story was a lot better because of its simplicity, quirkiness, and entertaining plot. Not sure I can recommend a buy, though especially if you haven’t been keeping up with prior issues.

(5 out of 10)