IT’S WEBS DAY!!!! With FatFinger, @dallasmavs and @lewtoons!!!


First out of the gate this Webs Day is one from FatFinger called “Game Stain” and in their second episode they target a game thats near and dear to my heart…Halo. The artwork in this show is pretty nice but also pretty basic. I give the art a passing grade strictly for the fact that the dancing Cortana gave me a raging semi. The humor is top notch and the little freestyle rap bit at the end is actually pretty catchy.


I had this clip come across my Twitter feed via ESPN. A bit of full disclosure: I pretty much can’t stand basketball. It’s not enjoyable to me in the least bit to watch grown millionaires place a ball in a cup. But this Super Mario Bros. spoof is actually pretty good. Mind you, its still a pretty basic Mario mod, but its got enough quirks to make me like it. The fact that they take NBA star Shawn Marion, load him into the Marioverse and turn him loose on both Goombas AND the Western Conference  is pretty nifty. I enjoyed how they even incorporated a monster dunk instead of the normal flag and how he ends up in the American Airlines Arena instead of the generic castle. THAT’S WHATS UP! Now lets get back to hockey so I can stop talking about basketball please!!!


Last up we’ve got a Cantina scene from LewToons. Two Storm Troopers sitting around, drinking and talking about their lives and impending deployment to the Death Star makes for a pretty good cartoon if you ask me. It’s as if LewToons took Cheers and made it happen in a galaxy far, far away. The artwork for the Troopers and subsequent back round characters is really well drawn. If I had to find a gripe with this show (and I usually do) it’s the voice over acting. The voices don’t have the same sound that you would expect out of a Storm Trooper. It kinda sounds like the voices were recorded and then the treble was turned all the way up in post. Not a huge problem, but it bugged me none the less. But I still enjoyed myself while watching.


If you guys have any suggestions on shows or companies you think I should check out, email me!!!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a little “unfinished business” with that Cortana video…….LATER!!
