Episode Synopsis: An auto accident sends Marge car shopping, and after she buys the perfect five-passenger vehicle she realizes that the car would be too small if she were to have another baby, which she is considering, much to Homer’s shock. Meanwhile, Bart and his pals try to discover why Lisa is leaving school early for clandestine meetings downtown. Original Air Date: Oct 21, 2012

Guest Cast Jeff Gordon: Himself

Spoilers Below

When Marge’s car sinks into Earth, this leaves Marge to start shopping for a new one.  After shaking down the dealer, Marge gets a new crossover but Marge isn’t crazy about it. That said, the mechanic feels Marge is nuts and Homer wants to know why. Turns out the car is a sign to Marge that she wants a new baby but Homer isn’t up for a new one because they smell and cost money. Unfortunately, Homer’s cum is dumb and as such can’t make any new babies according to the Doctor so what to do?? Welp, turns out Homer has a vial of semen in Shelbyville at a clinic that was put there in exchange for cash. On the way over we get a montage of a longer way to get to the clinic so that Marge never gets the good stuff to make kids. They actually stop off to do some sight-seeing and crash at a motel but when Homer tells of his feelings about having another kid Marge kinda freaks out. On the drive home the now angry couple stop off at a diner and are inspired by another family with four kids to go back to the clinic and reclaim Homer’s sample. After some negotiating, Homer gets the last of it back but learns that his cum has been sent out all over and that there are a shit ton of Homer inspired kids out there to last Marge a while.

Lisa is up to something weird and Milhouse plus Bart are going to find the hell what’s up. As a result, Bart searches up Lisa’s bedroom but she shows up which causes Bart to hurl a line of questioning to which Lisa denies. This leads to a montage of Milhouse and Bart stalking Lisa on every corner to no avail. Soon, Martin, Nelson, and even Skinner join the foray to figure out what’s going down with Lisa. Turns out shes been hanging out with the old principal learning up cursive writing because Springfield Elementary sucks. Later, the ENTIRE Simpson family enjoys some Itchy & Scratchy.

There are some laughs to be had here, but the premise is pretty run of the mill. Jeff Gordon was in it for five seconds but didn’t offer much, and at the end of the day we did get another road trip type plot that really leads to nothing. That said, it was pretty comical seeing all of the other offspring that has come from Homerama over the years but tagged together with a horrendous Bart and Lisa sub plot, it really didn’t offer all that much in terms of funny. This baby should have been dumpster food as far as I’m concerned.

(6.0 out of 10)