REVIEW: ROBOT CHICKEN “Collateral Damage in Gang Turf War”

E.T. takes over an ER; Harry Potter lands in a not-so-magical situation; the reason why Black Widow and Hawkeye remain part of the Avengers is revealed; and the characters encounter zombies.

Spoilers Below

E.T. takes over an ER;

E.T. is great at saving lives with his light up finger and you can watch him EVERY Thursday Night!



Harry Potter lands in a not-so-magical situation;

Even with all of his magical powers, Harry can’t get a boner without a little magic wand, and the right spell…I said the RIGHT spell!



the reason why Black Widow and Hawkeye remain part of the Avengers is revealed;

We find out the only reason the Avengers keep Black Widow around is because she has a great body. Unfortunately, she gets killed but we still have Hawkeye, right??



characters encounter zombies.

The nerd wakes up to find bloody as fuck hallways followed closely by zombies. Robert Kirkman shows up to try and use the air time to sell merch but gets eaten alive. That said, Nerd is a newly married man getting the hottest zombie in school.



Other Sketches

Top Chef Sweden, Ninja Turtles,  Cheese Nips, Wrong Castle, Asshole!, Little Mermaid,  Godzilla, Disney World, The Crow, Magician

Best Sketch

Little Mermaid

Worst Sketch

E.T. takes over an ER;