REVIEW: ROBOT CHICKEN “Choked on Multi-Colored Scarves”

Robot Chicken dreams up a TV theme song that just keeps going and going; The Robot Chicken Nerd joins Team Fortress; She-Ra knows what it feels like to be her horse, Swift Wind; We show you Skeletor’s new plan to take over Eternia.

Spoilers Below

Robot Chicken dreams up a TV theme song that just keeps going and going;

Ever see one of those formulaic opening theme songs in older TV sitcoms like Step By Step, Boy Meets World, and Three’s Company?? Yea, this is kinda like that but with Rachael MacFarlane singing the song and a bunch of snakes.

[GRADE: 8/10]

The Robot Chicken Nerd joins Team Fortress;

A FPS take on what would happen if the Nerd was on your team in Team Fortress. Eventually, all of his whining just gets a brotha smoked!

[GRADE: 8/10]

She-Ra knows what it feels like to be her horse, Swift Wind;

She-Ra crashes her horse Swift Wind and is forced to euthanize it due to injuries. The horse argues and gets a switcheroo with She-Ra that gets her KNIFED

[GRADE: 9/10]

We show you Skeletor’s new plan to take over Eternia.

Skeletor is a baby and as such has to battle high fences and stinky baby diapers. The cost of fighting back?? A spanking!! You would think that would be a bad thing but Skeletor apparently loves getting spanked right up into adult hood. He-Man shows up to ‘save’the day much to Skeletor’s chagrin. Cuz, who doesn’t love being spanked??

[GRADE: 7/10]

Other Sketches

NES, Killer Clouds, Space Sex, Real Steel, Caesar, Zombie GF, Spielberg remakes, A.M. Radio

Best Sketch

 Spielberg remakes

Worst Sketch

A.M. Radio