Rigby must do one pull-up in order to pass a physical.

Spoilers Below

So, in order to stay working at the park, everyone has to pass a physical fitness test of which everyone passes with flying colors. Unfortunately, the last test is doing one pull-up of which Rigby can’t do and of course this makes him the laughing stock at work. Benson then gives Rigby an ultimatum, either do a pull up or he loses  his job! After some game training, Rigs thinks he’s got it but the next day he still can’t do it. As luck would have it, Eileen is a natural at doing pull ups and as such she decides to act as Rigby’s coach. As usual we get our Rocky-esque work-out montage, but none of it matters because Rigby STILL can’t do the test. Thankfully, this is America and we have plenty of gadgets and drugs to help and yes Rigby sees a commercial for a muscle enhancing gadget and buys it right away. Unfortunately, Rigby uses the machine wrong and he gets MASSIVE!! Rigby is the size of a truck, but he only uses the machine on his upper body which leaves his legs normal and as a result is unable to walk(maybe he should skip??). To make matters worse, Rigby caves the pull up bar into the ground, but he still completes the task and keeps his job.

Kinda your typical plot, and nothing really stands out in terms of big laughs. Muscle Man actually started off the show really wailing on Rigby, and yes it was pretty comical when he started selling tickets to the ‘fail-show’, but other then that we had a standard issue Regular Show, which is actually out of the norm.