Benson tries to prove his drum skills.

Spoilers Below

‘Hair to the Throne’ is one of the biggest bands ever and they are coming by to play at the park. Turns out Benson used to be the drummer and his solos are legendary but the other workers don’t believe anything they hear. We soon learn that the band has some history with Benson but they seem to keep denying the fact that Benson played their most complicated solo yet, instead suggesting that its always been done by a drum machine.Benson vows to show the band and the rest of the park employees that he was no joke and don’t worry because everyone will be there with special roadie passes!

Eventually Benson forces Mordecai and Rigby to help unload Benson’s 150-piece drum set all the meanwhile the band sets up to rock the joint. Mordecai and Rigby decide to ditch Benson and meet up with the band of whom are now trashing Benson’s drum hit like a bunch of douches. To get back at the dick rock stars, Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson get a new 150 piece drum set and put it on stage looking all shiny and stuff. Much to the surprise it isn’t their drum machine getting ready to smash out a new solo, rather its Benson! The band tries to stop the drum solo at all costs but Muscle Man and Skips knock the shit out of them in an effort to make sure Benson keeps playing. However, the death dealing drum machine comes to life and tries to go after Benson too but luckily the main section of the set is on a crane, and after doing a bunch of tricks that even Tommy Lee would be shy to try and then lands the dismount in style! In an effort to make amends, the band tries to get Benson back in the band but to no avail.

So we had TWO 150-piece drum sets in this episode and both were pretty awesome in their own right. The first one looked hugely inspired by Neil Peart’s set of yesteryear but the second set was just over the top hilarity due to the fact that NO ONE would have to balls to play it besides Benson. The effects coming off of the drum set near the end there ,especially on the dismount,were really funny too and were really well done. Also, there’s something to be sad about Mordecai and Rigby’s excitement level whenever they get something shiny and as such usually provides for a chuckle.