Steve’s toupee is discovered when the staff get ready for the Ranger Ball, but his response to the embarrassing revelation turns him into a hirsute sensation.


Spoilers Below

Sooo yea, we are getting ready for the Ranger’s Ball! Everyone’s looking to get slammed and laid with the exception of Connie of whom fears she isn’t going to have anyone. Unfortunately, we also learn that Steve is a baldy when his toupee flies the hell off and eventually has Malloy flushing it down the toilet after wiping his ass with it. Turns out Steve has been dealing with baldness throughout his young adult life. To help, Steve’s doctor gives him a Chinese tonic that turns him into Bigfoot! Normally, people would try to kill that mofo, but instead Bigfoot turns into a big huge celebrity, already causing major media attention. With all the added attention, Bigfoot also makes quick friends with all of the park rangers, most of whom never liked Steve anyway. Malloy actually catches on quick that Bigfoot is indeed Steve, and offers up to manage the hairy beast in exchange for keeping quiet and a rather large percentage of the profits.  With the Rangers Ball fast approaching, Connie can’t find Steve because he’s too busy being a famous Bigfoot that decides that he is going to take his former high school prom date to the big event in hopes of righting a few wrongs.

Ethel is typically the animal rights activist of the group, usually putting more clout in the value of an animal’s life then that of her fellow co-workers. All of a sudden a cat loses an eye back at the office and Ethel feels the need to race to the vet to get it reattached. However, the speed demon ends up driving so fast that she hits a fucking deer, and after calling to consult with Denzel and Malloy as to what she should do. Ethel ends up putting a bullet in the deer’s head, but instead of being traumatized she’s somewhat turned on by the fact that she just killed an animal. After selling all off the office equipment, Denzel learns that Ethel goes from being an animal lover, to an animal killer with a hint of torture much to his surprise. We actually learn that Ethel’s killing habits is somewhat of an obsession as she claims to be having the best orgasms ever, to which Denzel convinces her to stop in the name of sanity.

On the day of the Rangers Ball, Bigfoot can NOT wait to score with this bitch of whom looks totally run down in this stage of her life. Once the darling couple gets inside, they soon find that the park rangers turned the Ball into a funeral for Steve. Eventually, after being accused of Steve’s murder, Bigfoot gets chased through the woods and into a tunnel where on the other end we have a Fugitive parody waiting for us but not before the REAL Bigfoot shows up and saves Steve. Ethel comes out of nowhere with a sniper rifle and ends up shooting and killing Bigfoot, which causes Steve to come clean and dances the afternoon away with Connie until his hair falls out.

I think with a show based in the woods we’d EVENTUALLY run into Bigfoot, but I don’t think anyone figured quite like this. First thing’s first, lets talk Ethel. I really think this was the first episode where Ethel turned from being the goody-two-shoes type and instead becomes quite a bit closer to Kaitlin Olson’s other gig at Sunny but not just in the ‘girl looking to stand out from a dude pack’ phase, but now Kaitlin really got to spread her funny wings with the crazy maniacal side that Dee Reynolds is known very well for(dishes anyone?) This also turned out to be a pretty good episode for Malloy of whom I felt sometimes gets underused in some episodes, but this week he really had a backpack filled with shiners that seemed to zing a bit harder this week at Ethel’s expense. Finally, Steve was Bigfoot in every sense of the word, in this pretty original spin on the popular monster lore that will surely provide for some funnies for anyone who is into the whole supernatural thing.