A controversy-courting church gathers at Brickleberry with Woody’s permission, but Connie makes herself scarce due to her history with the group’s policies, and in the process discovers a secret military installation.

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Connie has never had it easy being a big and bulky lesbian even from her parents of whom belonged to a church that is very much against homosexuality. As luck would have it her family is coming to the park to hold some sort of rally and Woody sees nothing but dollar signs! Steve is off to a Pez convention but Denzel elects to stay behind and make double what he normally makes in wages all the meanwhile Connie takes off in a fit of rage after trying to make a move on Ethel.  Later, Connie comes across a military underground installation that features a ‘Gay Bomb’ amongst its arsenal that can turn a town’s population into gays. Feeling like this might be something worthwhile, Connie grabs the bomb, sets it off, and BAM gays in Brickleberry!

The bomb’s blast radius goes all over turning everyone gay and at first Connie thinks its the best. Thankfully, Malloy was spared but now Ethel belongs to Connie but guess what?? Now CONNIE is straight! Turns out the blast radius turns gays into straights making Connie no longer interested in Ethel but all the meanwhile leaving Steve and Woody fighting over who gets to bang out Denzel. Worse yet, Ethel is trying to pursue Connie but the lady buff ain’t feeling it. Thankfully, Connie”s parents show up and are thrilled that Connie isn’t gay but also pack a machine that gets the gay out.  When Connie finds out, she tries to stop the torture but finds out she’s helpless against the opposite sex but that’s why we have Malloy. Together they go to the missile silo and get the antidote but it turns out the gayness runs out in his own in 24 hours and Connie is able to save her lady!

Although I do think overall gay jokes are starting to be yesterday’s news, it was great seeing Connie take full flight in an episode of her own. To be honest, when Brickleberry started I really didn’t think she had the juice to carry a whole episode by herself and at best would be a part B story line but she pulled it off quite well. It was also good to see Malloy kinda save the day instead of being the normal douche that he sometimes is. The one part I did enjoy was all the sex talk Ethel was laying in on Connie which really had me going laffy, but overall I felt these jokes were done elsewhere.