As the dust settles over the Disney buy out of LucasFilm companies which includes the Star Wars franchise(George Lucas made off with $4 Ba-ba-ba-BILLION) we are starting to see some of the casualties of the purchase starting with the future of the Robot Chicken and Family Guy – Star Wars parodies. What about the Lego and Star Wars: Detours efforts? Find out in this exclusive report the properties that survive the fall and the ones that just lost a good brand to rag on.

The writers behind South Park recently made the greatest statement about the Disney buy out of Star Wars which makes sense because in the past Matt Stone and Trey Parker typically thought that doing Star Wars inspired parodies were silly and made that known in the rolling credits for its ‘Imagination Land‘ trilogy. However, we do have a serious consequence in terms of the future of the Star Wars animated parodies post the Disney buyout  of Lucas properties which predominately includes the Stars Wars franchise. You may think this is no big deal, but when it comes to parodies Disney gives about as much slack as the belt around my khakis(none really at all) so as such the death of the Star Wars parody may be upon us. Fans of Marvel may have seen this first hand without even knowing it following Disney’s purchase of Marvel last year(or so). Back when Seth Green was promoting the hell of the Robot Chicken/DC Comics special he was asked by multiple outlets including TV about the potential of doing a Marvel inspired Robot Chicken special. His response?

TV Guide Magazine: Now that you’ve scored with Lucas and DC, what’s your next holy grail?

Green: We’d love to get our hands on Marvel! But I don’t think Disney would ever let us play like this.

So with that my fair children, I believe we can kiss goodbye anymore Robot Chicken: Star Wars specials to air on Adult Swim any time soon (having said that Seth did announce a follow up to the Robot Chicken/DC Comics special). Keep in mind folks, the Disney deal means a lot for the Star Wars future on Cartoon Network. For example, remember the Lego Star Wars special we reviewed a while back? We probably won’t see that on a Turner owned network(Adult Swim/Cartoon Network) ever again mainly because Turner subsidiary Warner Bros has been in competition with Disney since the mid-1900s and as such I guarantee  anything Star Wars-related with Robot Chicken is probably also dead too.