REVIEW: FUGGET ABOUT IT “Oracle of Vagina”

Powerful New York mob boss Jimmy Falcone enters the Witness Protection Program and brings his family — wife Cookie, daughters Theresa and Gina, son Anthony, and Uncle Cheech — along for the adventure of a lifetime. Far from New York’s busy streets, the Falcone family arrives in the peaceful town of Oakville, where the pace is far slower and Jimmy doesn’t always get his way.

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When Vagina, I mean Regina gets it’s first snow-free day, Jimmy and Uncle Cheech decide to take up a game of golf. Due to the McDougal’s current situation, Cookie has developed cabin fever. Jimmy suggests she get a job, which inspires her to start a business as a fraudulent fortune-teller (she once worked as a fortune-teller’s assistant, for Madame Scam-ya).

Madame Cookie turns it into a family venture (situated right next to a doughnut shop – how Canadian), where Theresa is the sexy assistant to distract the clients, Gina is a pickpocket to retrieve client’s information and Jimmy is the “licensed smoke machine”, which involves his cigar and a few bodily functions.

Cookie hasn’t been this happy since the summer she was on Prozac. Of course, when RCMP Special Agent Strait McCool catches wind of the “legitimate” business, he puts Cookie to the test.

See, McCool doesn’t believe in the supernatural, but what he does inform us is that he believes in a long list of Canadian stereotypes, including the metric system and football with three downs.The Mountie is wise to Theresa and Gina and the “cheesy light and sound show” the second he walks in. Cookie then makes a bunch of random guesses to which Jimmy devises a plan to make sure Cookie’s predictions come true (including Uncle Cheech in drag).

After McCool reveals that her predictions came true, Cookie starts believing she has “the gift”Jimmy, being the loving husband he is, gets the whole family involved in making sure the McDougal matriarch’s predictions come true after every new clients psychic reading. This episode is another example of the show’s main type of humor, which mostly relies on Canadian stereotypes. Many past episodes have featured endless gags on American and Italian stereotypes and different TV shows have tried to make plays on racial stereotypes. But there is something about Fugget About It that keeps it fresh. Some of the jokes are so sharp, if you blink, you might miss it.This episode also allowed Cookie to make a few more sexual advances to McCool and we also learned that the Falcones, er, I mean the “McDougals” reside at 1234 Jim Carrey Lane.

(7.0 out of 10)