Be it courage or stupidity, the Venture brothers have balls, and those come in handy around Halloween time.

Spoilers Below

Similar to the premise of the Christmas special, we get a holiday party hosted by the great Dr. Orpheus and EVERYONE’s invited as long as you are some how affiliated to the triad. Really though it’s everyone from Orpheus to the Alchemist showing off their talents in almost a bit of a competition but Jefferson doesn’t seem so amused.  The Master shows up to crash the party and claims that there are a bunch of zombies running around which probably isn’t the best way to go and Orpheus agrees as he fears for the children and as such realizes the true meaning of Halloween.

Meanwhile, Hank, Dean, and Dermott are heading into what they believe is to be a ‘real’ haunted house.  Hank and Dermott are a bit more advantageous whilst Dean comes off as a bit of a tag along, but you can tell he’s a bit more nervous especially when he goes into the house all by himself. However, his notions were probably on point because he’s attacked by some sort of small creature and knocked out cold with the rest of the Ventures outside not even bothering to come in to check on him. Dean wakes up and meets Ben who seems to know everything about the Ventures mainly because he brought them into this world all the while we see his bros are outside being chased around by zombies. We actually learn a pretty jaw-dropping secret, one that I think needs to be watched rather than explained because it really is ground-breaking and it wouldn’t be fair for me to spoil it here.

J.K Simmons(Ben) anyone?? Who better to talk to a huge fan of Spider-Man like Dean then someone who has played J.Jonah Jameson? Venture Bros always gets fantastic actors to come and play with the Venture gang giving us a nice change of pace among the numerous Jackson or Doc voiced actors. Even better is the fact that when these actors get together, they seem like they are pieced together so well in terms of acting that you would think every single one of them is in a big recording room just yamming it up which provides for some great scenes. That said, the real sauce is after almost three fucking years and our second special we get a prelude of what to expect for The Venture Bros season 5 set to start in February, making the airing of this special a great idea. Yea and someone should pat Titmouse on the back as they were able to somehow show no flaws in the transition from WLE.

One last thing, we’ve seen a NUMBER of Halloween specials this month and all have their merits, but this one is the best so far as its the only one that introduces SOME sort of plot devices that are put into play for the rest of the season which gives you that “I need MORE” feeling which other than Metalocalypse no other animated series or cartoon does. I think that really shows the talent of AstroBase Go, of whom took every one of their fans, strapped them into a roller coaster, and pressed ‘Start’.
