Jared takes over the jail and battles mutants.

Spoilers Below

Jared is thinking that the Warden isn’t thinking to practical with the running of the jail and thinks some changes should be made despite his boss’  reluctance to making things boring like ordering computers for the inmates. At first Jared, thinks the gig is easy as hell but soon he gets all these voices in his head. After installation of the computer lab, Jared discovers all the prisoners just watch porn. Soon, Jared flips out and monsters overrun the prison causing the voices to call the usta be accountant a failure and after much denial, he finally admits it. As such, Jared asks the doctor to take back control of his monsters, reanimate the Warden, and set things back to normal.  To prove it, the first thing Warden does is open up a zoo…with a scissor impale!

We should’ve learned last week that there’s only ONE motherfucker who is able to run Superjail, and that’s the Warden! That said, its not a terrible to thing to see a whole horde of grotesque monsters running mad all over the place eating prisoners and smashing shit up. I do think this episode more or less hearkened back to more of a season one style where story was sacrificed in favor of mayhem which is great but fans wanting a little more mileage out of their favorite characters might be miffed.

(8.0 out of 10)