A look at a “Fast and Furious” sequel; a new role for Wilson from “Cast Away”; Scooby and the gang’s newest member.

Spoilers Below

“Fast and Furious” sequel

Imagine if Barack Obama banned all the cars on the road. Welp, we would still need a Fast and Furious movie.

[GRADE: 5/10]

A new role for Wilson from “Cast Away”;

After Wilson leaves Tom Hanks, he gets taken aboard a ship then ends up on a park bench when all of the sudden he takes off as part of a police chase and protects his new lady. Eventually, Wilson smashes Helen Hunt and gets back his man, Hanks!

[GRADE: 7/10]

Scooby and the gang’s newest member.

Wilma is dead so they audition a new girl with a Dragon Tattoo named Lisbeth and already shes going after  an amusement park owner. Oh yea, and Lisbeth lesbian fucks Daphne . Scooby and Shaggy get caught but thankfully Lis is there to knock out the amusement park owner!  But, what’s a Scooby Doo sketch without a ghost and this time its Stieg Larsson!

[GRADE: 8/10]

Other sketches

Polly Pocket Hoarders, Doll Sex, Killer Top Hat, Terrorists, Astro Boy, Iron Giant, Buffalo Bill Hand Lotion,  Snow White, Smurfs sentencing,


Best Sketch: Polly Pocket Hoarders

Worst Sketch: Fast and Furious