Mordecai and Rigby must save the park after the rest of the gang is brainwashed in the Season 4 premier.

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Some weird guy with a bear shows up and just starts blasting shit then he blows up the house. To escape, Mordecai and Rigby blast themselves two months into the future to avoid getting brainwashed. First thing they do is go around town looking for the other park employees and get their memories back eventually getting  Skips, Pops, Muscleman and High-Five Ghost. We also learn that the bearded guy who attacked them earlier is Garret Bobby Ferguson Jr., Garret Bobby Ferguson’s son and he tells off Mordecai and Rigby, claiming that he’s in town to destroy them for causing his dad’s head to blow up! Worst yet, he’s bringing back all the people Mordecai and Rigby have screwed over the years and yep its a quite a lot.

Thankfully, Skips calls in some back up that frees everyone from Garret’s grasp and then a big huge fight ensue which ends with Benson getting his memory back and signing on to some papers that makes the Park a historical landmark which kicks Garret’s ass out of town. Oh yea, and we have a new intern named Thomas .

What I think was the best thing about this Season Four premier is that it was a great introductory episode for new fans, but gave us long-timers a flash back to some great memories all the meanwhile providing new one AND giving us a new character to play with. Yea its still early, but Thomas already looks great. That said, as great was it to see some cool memories, that fight scene had me in tears laughing. Yea, I can probably give you the full play-by-play but with it being one of the best animated series on TV, you really should be watching it. The random mannerisms brought on during the tussle by the likes of Skips and Muscles with his 2×4’s were just Grade A, top choice round Regular Show, and yea its back. Yeaaaaaa beeeoooyyyy!!!

(9.0 out of 10)