Dipper and Mabel go trick-or-treating in the summer and encounter a candy-loving monster who threatens to devour them if they don’t bring him sweet things to eat.

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Gravity Falls celebrates Halloween 2x a year, including once in the summer where its called “Summerween” so of course ya gotta stock up from the Summerween store, right?? Usually, the Pines are all about trick or treating but Wendy wants Dipper to come out to a party instead and ditch his sister. However, Dipper’s plans get changed when a big monster shows up to the house threatening to ea all the kids if they don’t go trick-or-treating and get him a bunch of candy.

Turns out the monster is called the ‘Summerween Trickster’ and  as  such the kids have to go all nuts to get this done. Dipper is being a sour puss about the whole thing, as he really wanted to go to the party and as such didn’t even bother to dress up. That said, the home owners are refusing to give candy out to people no wearing costumes and the kids need candy or THEY will be the treats. To fix this, Dipper dresses up as peanut butter to go along with Mabel’s Jelly costume and yes they are adorable. Because of their cuteness, the twins are able to go to all the houses and round up 499 pieces of candy, all without Dipper tipping off the big kids . That is until the majority of the kids go to get the last piece of candy needed to stay alive, and Robbie’s fan pulls up to Dipper who quickly hides the candy and takes off his costume to avoid any embarrassing face time with Wendy.

Mabel catches Dipper in the act of lying to Wendy and as such realizes that Dipper was going to ditch her had it not been for the monster and as  such she feels betrayed. Even worse yet, Dipper accidentally throws the candy away RIGHT before the monster shows up but thankfully Soos  runs him over in his truck saving everyone from being eaten!  Nope, not really as a matter of fact the monster reanimates himself and starts chasing the kids again into the grocery store, but Mabel is pissed still because of Dipper’s lying about trick or treating.  To try and escape the kids don disguises but Soos tips off the monster and gets eaten so they have to stay behind and fight the monster. As it turns out, the monster is actually made of candy that kids didn’t want  and Soos eats his way out of the monster. Feeling like he is now a wanted piece of candy, the monster dies feeling complete.

Meanwhile Stan is putting all his efforts into scaring the daylights out of every trick or treater in town.  Unfortunately, some of the kids are a bit jaded and as such don’t feel very frightened by Stan’s costume or effects. Instead, the kids show Stan a cat video on their phone that scares the hell out of him and pretty much has him questioning if he even has the means to scare anymore.  Eventually, the kids come in the house for their candy but when they see Stan coming out of the shower, they FREAK leaving all their candy behind. With all this candy who’s there to eat it?? Welp, Wendy who is there having left the party early, with the now reconciled twins, and a bunch of happy kids and a redeemed uncle.

Its starting to become some what of a common theme for Gravity Falls, that being one of the twins are getting older while the other is trying to still be a kid.  Whether its Mabel dating or Dipper trying to impress Wendy, it’s all becoming formula now. Dipper does everything in his power to try and make Wendy think he’s cool while Mabel just likes to have fun. One has to wonder if this is the well we are going to be visiting quite a bit more for the duration of the season or do the writers have some more up their sleeves?? This week’s episode was good, but with Gideon’s return last week and pretty much another monster this week, can Disney’s newest hit series stay strong??

(8.0 out of 10)