Spoilers Below

A rare white buffalo was born at Yellowstone which riles up everyone at Brickleberry which Ethel and Connie think is wrong. Nevertheless, Steve is tasked to find a cute animal and as such finds one squirrel and one rabbit…which one should he choose?? Well, at first he thinks the two animals should breed but they are clearly not attracted to each other until alcohol is in play and as such BOOM Squabbit! After uploading a video that gains HUGE exposure on the net, Brickleberry is swarming with curious people wanting to see it. Malloy on the other hand can’t stand to see the new creature and opts to sleep outside.

Te next day Malloy grabs the squabbit and throws it in the microwave but no matter what the creature won’t die. Thankfully, there was an axe nearby and that fixed it right up which causes Woody to kick Malloy out of the house. Weird enough, the squabbit reanimates and we get TWO squabbits! And what happens when you get two?? Four more!! That said, the squabbits are multiplying like crazy and its starting to concern some of the other rangers but Woody doesn’t care because its good for business and doesn’t care WHAT happens to Malloy in the woods.  Eventually, Woody has a nightmare but the reality is these squabbits are going nuts and destroying the park’s vegetation which finally gets Woody to call an all out open season against the creatures and Connie & Ethel need to stop them!

Welp, here comes Pita and they are PISSED and as a result call in some heavy duty artillery to lead a charge against the harm of squabbits and as such arrest everyone at Brickleberry causing Woody to miss out on the good times with Malloy and vice versa. However, shit gets worse when one of the squabbits licks the blood of Bobby causing an infection with the other animals that causes mass hysteria and pretty much the demolition of Pita. As such the park rangers pick their lock and escape but the animals are getting smarter so to fight back Connie grabs a bazooka and BOOM! But, the attack is futile and the animals are still alive so they decide to feed them the corpse of Pam Anderson so as to contract Hep C to all the animals in the woods. Malloy returns to the crew and as such is used to lure Pam into the swarm of animals and as such decimates the population of squabbits.  But, what about the wolverine-igator??

Michael Hollingsworth is kinda the man having given us the hit animated web series Nature Break and you could definitely see his prints all over this one. Tosh is getting SO much better as Malloy now, sounds confident and trite with his diction all the mean while laying out the funny like Rosie O at a buffet. The story was great too, and as such is starting to mature the show to a true workplace comedy that everyone should be watching because its a strong show.