Bea gets a promotion at work, but then learns that she must let one of the employees go.

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Bea gets a promotion at work, but now she has to fire either Oscar or Milo because one is costing the company money and the other provides comic relief. To help ward off the fact that she has to fire one of her friends, she decides to train her friends to be better employees. Oscar can’t make pretzels without sweating on them and despite training he can’t control it. Milo has to serve free pretzel samples but he keeps slamming into people with his big pretzel costume, but that doesn’t work either. Next idea? Help the guys get other jobs. Yep, Bea dresses up as Oscar and actually gets a gig stocking shelves but she messes that up. After that failure, Bea decides to try and get Milo a job by dressing up like him but the mall has nothing.

Bea offers to quit instead of firing her friends, but instead they both argue over who gets to be canned which causes the manager to fire everyone! That said, they get new jobs and from the looks of it they are doing a good job!

I thought this week’s episode was  trying to hard to be a Bobs Burgers knock off. We had the cliche mascot running around causing mischief and scaring away all of the customers. Then we had another one who kept screwing up the food. Then of course we had two bosses who don’t know what they are doing and business suffers so someone has to make a rash decision to try and better the store. That said there were some funny moments like the toy store gig and Bea dressing up as her friends to try and get them jobs. But, overall Fish Hooks can do a lot better and usually they do.

(7.0 out of 10)