Conclusion: Doofenshmirtz and Monogram battle Carl, who possesses some powerful robots, while Perry remains missing.

Spoilers Below

Mr. and Mrs. Ferb-Fletcher have their reservations, Carl takes off on a ship without Doof, and Candace is still looking for her phone to call her boyfriend, and Phineas plus the gang are looking for Perry of whom just got a threatening message from Carl. Carl actually sends out the Ferb-Fletcher evil robot clones to the house in an attempt to find Perry but he’s nowhere to be found. Candace looks as thought she’s starting to enjoy her time as now she’s pretty much living with all of the monkeys. Phineas and Ferb on the other hand are still trying to lead their friends on a search for Perry but are now being tailed by Carl so that the evil-doer can also find Perry. Luckily, Doof and Major are on their way after escaping from Carl’s confines back at OWCA.

Eventually the kids find Perry but Carl’s bots zap a log that they were crossing which sends them plummeting into the raging waters only to find a tree to help them sling back a 100 yards into some quicksand. This leads to an all out war between Carl and his army of robots and Perry with his army of lions, and tigers, and no bears but soon Major, Doof, heck even Candace join the fray. Soon enough, Candace actually gets saved and makes friends with a Robot Candace who plays her back a message that Jeremy had left on her home phone, and also brandishes a new feature! A place to keep a cell phone!! Yep, Candace finally gets her phone call to Jeremy but the kids are still stuck in the mud but then Buford saves them all.

Back at the fight, Carl gets zapped by Doof’s new device the “Good-inator” that gets reflected off Perry’s picture frame and hits him square in the face rendering Carl to be good again! To top it off Carl gets a new title “Paid Intern”, and Perry & Candace get discovered by Phineas and Ferb right on time for their parents to come back to the camp site and join them for some S’mores and grubs.

A MUCH better effort than the Perry part 1. Candace’s story was actually quite enjoyable and watching her laugh it up with the monkeys was a sight to the say the least. The throw down between Carl and everyone else was very entertaining almost coming off as like a Lion King meets Terminator deal that ends exactly how you think it does…bot parts EVERWHERE!  The one down side of the episode being that with all of the build up last time with the Ferb-Fletcher dinner plot, I thought we would have gotten more time with them this week but that wasn’t the case. And I was for sure that Phineas and Ferb would have caught Perry in his crime-fighting gear but to no avail, however overall we had a great plot that ended the two-parter quite well.

(9.0 out of 10)