A soldier navigates Vietnam after being left behind.


Spoilers Below

James Bond is an asshole…just sayin’ But hey, Black loves him some Mr. T who is stuck in Vietnam and the CIA needs the kung-fu master to get back the former A-team member. As such, Black Dynamite parachutes with the entire team into the war-torn country and quickly find a path of BBQ sauce to hopefully lead them to T’s captor. While on their abode into the jungle, everyone except Black Dynamite and Cream Corn gets taken leaving (BD) to almost go nuts and kill Cream. Turns out that Black Dynamite always has weird visions when he comes to Vietnam and it can affect his psyche.

Turns out Mr T. has been the one hunting down peeps in an effort to use them as a new source of meat alternative to chicken or beef. It’s here the head of the CIA flies in to tell the real reason why Black Dynamite was sent to ‘nam, to ascertain T’s BBQ sauce for a taste contest. When they find out the real reason, Black and T go nuts and take out the CIA and pretty much an entire brigade. Then, the A-team shows up and convinces Mr. T to go with them, while Black turns his attention to the James Bonds’ who are taking off with Mr. T’s sauce…shaken, not stirred!

The plot for this one just seemed a bit too over the top and convoluted to me, I mean it was cool that Black Dynamite and the crew went to Vietnam but damn if I had heard one more mention of BBQ sauce or flashbacks I was gonna go Kung-fu on my TV. However, Mr T., was fucking AWESOME and the voice direction as to best depict the legendary TV icon was pretty damn good as was the animation. The Bond recurring theme was awesome as well, but other than extraneous factors, the main plot provided very few laughs, and that’s what it would have needed to keep this one afloat.