Spoilers Below

Apparently, Grapefruit has a crush on Passion according to her letter from the fruit no one likes. One fruit that is popular is Passion fruit and as such she gets snatched up by a knight passing by. After spending a good five minutes catapulting the entire cast of fruit into the castle walls, a drawbridge comes down and Orange and the gang snag a suit of armor and decide to go across.
Once there, the Orange knight has to fight the Grapefruit knight for the safety of Passion of whom is in the rabid clutches of the Queen, and as such Grapefruit gets knocked the fuck out! Orange tosses Grapefruit to the Queen and gets Passion to safety JUST in time to ask her a big question.
Despite the fact that we have to keep getting through the terrible acting of the live action crew, this week’s episode was OK. The knight fight was pretty funny, and of course the smashing of all the fruit. But again, the live action cast needs to go away because they are just terribad.