REVIEW: REGULAR SHOW “Trucker Hall of Fame”



Spoilers Below

Muscle Man’s dad just passed away and the big guy is having a tough time dealing with it. Muscles decides to do the honorable thing by taking his dad’s ashes and spreading them the way his dad wanted…right over the Trucker Hall of Fame. However on the way there he along with Mordecai and Rigby come across a trucker stop with a bunch of drivers talking shit saying Muscle Man’s dad was a forklift driver. Eventually, Muscle Man finds a letter corroborating the truckers’ story and decides to go through with his dad’s wishes.

To make sure everything goes through without a hitch, the guys break into the hall of fame with the urn in hand so as to pull off the biggest prank ever. And despite the fact the truckers nearly kill ’em all, Mordecai, Rigby, and Muscle Man get to the top of the hill just in time to let loose Muscle Dad’s ashes and reminding everyone being a forklift driver is still pretty bad ass!

Its not often that Mordecai and Rigby take back seats for the main plot and the plot actually being good, but it worked here. Yes, the whole “Dad is trying to make his son proud” deal has been done before but there was definitely a good mixture of the Regular Show style featuring ghouls and ghosts along the way. Full Trucker Effect was flowing in this episode, and I would not have had it any other way!