It’s homecoming weekend at Cleveland’s alma mater, so he volunteers to take Roberta on a college visit so he can revisit his college days. But, he gets a less-then-brotherly welcome from his fraternity chapter. Meanwhile, Rallo helps Cleveland Jr. learn to sleep without his beloved stuffed animal.

Spoilers Below

B.M.O.C. aka the Big Mustache On Campus was Cleveland’s nickname in college and as it turns out there is a homecoming coming up and as luck would have it Roberta is looking at schools! Well, not really as Donna is looking at schools for Roberta, despite the fact that her daughter has no interest in going. Cleveland opts to take Roberta to his alma-mater so that she can interview with campus admissions, but really he sets off to try and relive his college glory days by hanging out with his old frat house. Roberta on the other hand is able to catch up with her boyfriend Federline and as it turns out his parents teach there and they opt to not only give the two love birds a tour of the campus, but also a shit ton of homework to do!

Meanwhile, Cleveland’s alma mater isn’t what it used to be, as the cafeteria no longer has late night grilled cheeses and the local frat house is ran by a bunch of douches who strap Cleveland to a mule, and send it off into the dark wilderness. The frat douches eventually end up at a QUAAMPF festival with Roberta and Malibu’s Most Wanted Federline and tell Roberta where she can find her step-dad after a bit of”convincing’.Eventually, Cleveland does get found and together with Fed and Roberta they ride off back to campus in time for the admissions interview.

Donna apparently gets a hold of Junior’s stuffed animal Larry and puts him through the wash and dry cycle cleaning him of toothpaste, dirt, and about a 100 other nasty things that made him to gross to look at. Well, you might as well have just gone on and raped Larry, because now Junior wants nothing to do with his newly cleaned life mate.When pasting Larry with whatever’s in the fridge doesn’t work, Rallo offers to teach his older step brother how to sleep in his bed without the aid of a stuffed toy. Unfortunately, Junior ends up just replacing Larry with Rallo pretty much blackmailing the little guy in being Junior’s new sleep-aid. Fortunately, Larry’s one-eyed son Larry Jr. shows up and Junior is excited to take in his new best friend.

Wow, usually Cleveland Show isn’t THIS busy! There were literally three plots going on at the same time and somehow the writers were able to fit them all together quite nicely. First, you finally had a great story line that only Cleveland Show can do…the college tour! You see, none of the Anidom shows can really do this because the kids are either too young (The Simpsons, Bobs Burgers, American Dad) or soon to be hermit shut-ins(Family Guy) so  the writers could legitimately take this idea and run with it for a while if they really wanted to. Then, you had Cleveland sent packing by his college alma-mater into a dark forest so Roberta and Fed have to go and save his ass while actually being strapped to an ass! Finally, imagine a world where Calvin had to out grow Hobbes? Or if Mark Wahlberg had to finally out grow Ted the bear? Those are the questions that we face while watching Rallo try and teach his big brother about growing up and being a man, only to fail miserably. Oh yea, and Seinfeld’s Jason Alexander returns as Saul Friedman which no one knew anything about, so any time you can keep surprising your audience with great plots and guest stars, you got something there. And maybe, just maybe, FOX knew something we didn’t in green lighting a fourth season of The Cleveland Show.