Episode Synopsis: The town’s Easter-egg hunt may be canceled due to rumors of a vicious beast that Cartman claims to have caught on film. Original Air Date: Apr 4, 2012

Spoilers Below

I guarantee if you watch any show that has to do with Bigfoot, paranormal investigations, and the like this week’s episode might have hurt. I can’t say I disagree with the writers either, as shows glorify the dumbest shit sometimes. Like, have you ever seen Ghost Hunters? Anytime some walks or sees a shadow they freak out and think its a ghost. Or how about whenever I’m on Yahoo News and people claim to capture UFOs, or Lochness Monsters, or Aliens in the flesh. Its all Honky Dory bullshit and South Park exploited this beautifully, especially at a time when there are like 10,000 shows just like this.

In Cartman’s case, he gets scant video footage of a supposed Jewpacabra, a monster that comes out at night to feed on anti-semites including local Christian kids who are innocently trying to enjoy a nice weekend of Easter egg hunting. At first, Cartman is all excited when he gets actual footage, only to learn from some local retarded folk that the footage might lead to his demise. Fearing people might be too scared to hunt for Easter Eggs, Sooper Foods wants in on helping Cartman with his research of the fabled beast only to eventually dress him up as a bunny and tie him to a post, making him an easy target for any lurking Jewpacabras.

Thankfully, the tards from the Bigfoot Research Center come by and shoot Cartman with a dart, causing him to go into a lucid dream where he is an Egyptian in biblical times that has to deal with lams being slaughtered, frogs being rained upon, and eventually witnessing the mass slaughter of all of Egypt’s first born sons. Eventually, Kyle comes to cut him loose and tuck him into bed, and the Sooper Foods Easter Egg Hunt goes off without a hitch! That and Cartman converts to Judaism.

Weird huh? After how many years, Cartman in the end decides to become a Jew. Who knows how long this lasts, but I hope it does because I think the whole “Cartman does something stupid, Kyle tells him he’s wrong, Cartman realizes he’s wrong” plot device has been done one too many times and dare I say formulaic? Now, I am just as much of a non-believer as the next guy, but the whole anti-Jew thing is starting to wear a little thin in animated TV. Family Guy’s done it, South Park’s done it a 100 times, its just tired and boring. Also, I felt the episode was somewhat related to the famed “Imagination Land” episodes in the fact that Cartman wanted to prove something is real, so he does, and Kyle has to deal with the consequences. Ordinarily I am a fan of recycling, but not so much in TV especially in a show like South Park where more is expected.

(7.0 out of 10)