Spoilers Below

Liz and Dracula are accusing Vic of being jealous. As such, he puts an ad in the paper to invite local dudes to fuck Elizabeth to prove his innocence.  One guy who is out of the running, is the Invisible Man with a big dick who really wants in on the Liz sweeps. However, when Liz finds out about the ad, she freaks and takes off. The big event goes to the shitter however, when after recruiting all the dudes, local towns folk are seen chasing Invisible Man down the street on the account of a misunderstanding involving a little girl, a naked dude, and the local park..*gulp*. The chase ends up at Vic’s castle in which case the towns people blow it sky high.

I’d really like to see a “making of” for this episode to check out how the producers made an invisible puppet. In any case, nothing beats Creature standing at the front door of the castle like a club bouncer checking everyone’s dick size! Like, how does HE get that job? Oh yea, and the little girl with the invisible man had be laughing it up quite a bit, as every week we get to see this show get stronger and stronger.



Through the awesome powers of Twitter, I asked executive producer of the series Dino Stamatopoulos (@DinosThirdTwitt) how the "Invisible Man" was animated

invisible man was animated with a stop-mo puppet and then inserted by the visual effects department into a foggy atmosphere.

There you have it folks! From the man himself!
