Baby Cakes’ imaginary best friend haunts him.

Spoilers Below

So, as it turns out Baby Cakes is the last holdout from the wonderful world of Facebook, that is until Frank and Pony talk him into getting an account, so this way he can have other friends other than the Brothers Smith and Pony. One friend that he wasn’t expecting was the “Dream Reamer”, who is a make believe figment of Cakes’ imagination and wouldn’t you know even HE has a Facebook page! But, the Reamer is pissed because Baby ditched him a long time ago in favor of real friends, so he sets out to terrorize all of  Baby’s friends by adding them on Facebook as well and revealing their baggage for the world to see. And everyone gets it right in the ass, from Frank’s dick pics, to Pony killing a guy, no one is safe. Unfortunately, the only person that can stop all of this is Baby Cakes, who gets locked up for his public bouts of dream battling with the Reamer. As a result, the Professor come to the aid of their friend Baby so that they can all go back in the dream world to once and for all settle the score between the two adversaries.

Overall, another great episode of China IL. I have come to the conclusion however, that Neely must be on SOME sort of acid trip or high to write some of this shit because the Dream Reamer’s world is not one for the faint of heart. I also, couldn’t help but draw the obvious comparisons between the plot of this episode with that of A Nightmare on Elm Street crossed with 8 Mile but given the choice, I would much rather buy Baby Cakes’ music any day of the week over Eminem.

(8.0 out of 10)