Review: Beavis and Butt-Head “Time Machine; Massage”

Episode Synopsis: Beavis and Butt-head doze off on the school bus and time travel to 1832. Later, they set up a massage stand in the mall. Original Air Date: Dec 15, 2011

Spoilers Below

Time Machine

The guys get on a bus for a field trip back in time, well not really its one of those class trips to those Williamsburg type places where everyone is dressed like its 1832. However, the guys are convinced as such that it really is the early 1800s, and they wanna bang out some local townsfolk, but their asshole teacher Van Driessen intercepts on the action.They actually think that since they are back in time, that they are actually dealing with their teacher’s ancestor who is trying to impregnate this girl Meghan so that more Van Driessens will spawn. Knowing the consequences of these actions(like going to class) they set out to stop the attempted tryst.


So the guys head to the mall and stumble onto a place where they can get a massage only to be turned away. This gives Butthead the idea to start his own massage parlor, which he does with random shit that both he and Beavis find around the building. Eventually, they figure the contraption they build doesn’t work that great so when the workers at the parlor turn away, Beavis and Butthead take over, however they get more than they bargained for…WAY more!


Yessss! 16 and Pregnant, and in this one this dude buys a metal detector to scan the neighborhood for quarters. The mom opts for a real job as a bitch who answers the phone at the pizza place but she can’t even land it on the first interview. Real winners here!  Then we get this music vid where Lil Wayne is singing with this girl who looks like an Oreo cookie. In this weeks episode of Jersey Shore, its here they make a chalk write up of what girls hooked up with what dudes in the house, and as expected Snooki is a whore.

I’ll be honest the Time Machine bit didn’t do much for me mainly because South Park did it first and it was WAY funnier. But, Massage was funny, almost had a Mallrats feel to it that took me back to a time when malls were actually fun to go to. Now they just suck.